
  • 2 large oranges, quartered and deseeded
  • 2 cups sugar
  • 2 Tbsp lemon juice
  • water, as required


Peel the oranges, reserving the peel. Blend the orange flesh into a smooth mixture and top up with water to match the volume of sugar (e.g. 2 cups of orange mixture for 2 cups of sugar). Finely slice the orange peel into strips, adjusting the size of the slices to the desired chunkiness of your final marmalade.

Add everything to a heavy-bottomed pot and bring to a boil while stirring constantly. Back down to a steady simmer and cook until soft and thick, about 45 minutes. Optionally, check using The Cold Plate Test by freezing a plate and placing a drop of the marmalade onto it. After 10 seconds the mixture should have jellied. If itโ€™s still runny, continue simmering the marmalade until it passes the test.

While relatively hot, spoon into clean jars and keep in the fridge. Chill overnight before serving.