It’s my day job as a UX developer, but coding is still a hobby that I occasionally dabble with in my free time.
I haven’t published any large projects in a personal capacity, as all of my effort is focused on my professional work. However, I do have notes and some small repos of my personal work. Here are links to a small subset:
- Advent of Code solutions (some of 2020, all of 2021 and some of 2022)
- titular.el, a very rough title casing package I wrote for Emacs
- My old Doom Emacs configuration, which was highly customized for TypeScript + React development, where I wrote my own tsx-mode that used tree-sitter to improve TSX/JSX manipulation
- My old static personal site generated purely using Emacs and a custom framework that I wrote in Emacs Lisp
See thecode tag to list all content with code in it.