AutoHotkey is an esoteric scripting language that only runs on Windows, so it does not have wide support among popular code editors. With that said, there is a VS Code plugin that includes a language server, which improves the DX of writing AHK scripts. To use it in Neovim however requires some manual configuration.

Clone & build the plugin

Ensure Node.js is installed and set up properly. Now git clone into a suitable directory, then run the following commands in order:

  1. npm ci
  2. npm run vscode:prepublish

This will use esbuild to build the language server so that the following Neovim config has something to point to.

Configure nvim-lspconfig

Assuming a LazyVim or lazy.nvim setup, modify the nvim-lspconfig configuration as follows:

return {
  opts = function (_, opts)
    -- Add this section
    require("lspconfig.configs").ahk2 = {
      default_config = {
        cmd = {
          -- NOTE: Ensure this file path (the language server) is correct
        filetypes = { "ahk", "autohotkey", "ah2" },
        init_options = {
          locale = "en-us",
          InterpreterPath = "C:/Program Files/AutoHotkey/v2/AutoHotkey.exe",
        single_file_support = true,
        flags = { debounce_text_changes = 500 },
    return vim.tbl_deep_extend(
        ahk2 = {}
        -- existing lspconfig opts overrides can go here
        -- e.g. 
        -- html = {
        --   filetypes = { "html", "templ", "htmlangular" },
        -- },

Now restart Neovim and open any .ahk file. Check that the basic LSP functions are available:

  • press K to view tooltips
  • bad syntax should result in error highlighting
  • run :LspInfo to see that the server is started and attached to the buffer

What about syntax highlighting?

For some reason, even though LSP does not normally affect syntax highlighting, Iโ€™ve found that syntax highlighting is slightly better with this configuration than without. Tangentially, Iโ€™m not even sure why default Neovim (even without LazyVim) has any syntax highlighting for .ahk files in the first place!